Job Description - 兼職工人 (23001YR)
Founded in 1989, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) is a modern, vibrant and dynamic university. We tailor our professional programmes to adapt to market trends and meet industry needs, thus providing our students with quality professional education and clear career paths. As a faculty-driven, student-centred university in support of innovative teaching and learning, strategic research, and stakeholder outreach to provide maximum benefit to our communities, we conduct research that advances knowledge and enhances teaching, focusing on strategic areas, including digital humanities and literature, international business, gerontechnology, personalised care, smart city, open and innovative education, and bilingual learning and teaching. HKMU is becoming an ever more vital link in addressing and helping Hong Kong to solve many difficult challenges – as part of our involvement in, and commitment to, the ‘metropolis’ of Hong Kong. Our plans to expand into the Greater Bay Area (GBA) will also cultivate talent to serve Hong Kong and the wider metropolitan GBA.
For more information about the University, please visit
We Are Now Looking For a Suitable Person To Fill The Following Position In The Office For Advancement Of Learning And Teaching
兼職工人 - (23001YR)
: Temporary/Part-time Non-Academic
: Office for Advancement of Learning and Teaching
Closing Date
: Ongoing
- 日常文件分發;
- 文件送遞、郵件處理;
- 複印及打印文件、包裝;
- 一般體力勞動工作 (搬運傢俱 / 器材 / 存倉文件);及
- 由上司指派的其他工作。
- 申請人須具小六或以上程度;
- 富責任感、態度誠懇有禮;及
- 能理解簡單英語及普通話者將獲優先考慮。
收集的個人資料將用於考慮您的職位申請。詳情請參閱大學網站上的「個人資料(私隱)公告(適用於求職者)」。若在截止日期後八星期內未獲約見,是次申請可作不成功論。All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant will be ensured with security.