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Resident Works Supervisor I (3 months duration) 駐地盤一級監工 (三個月任期) (Ref No. 參考編號: RTPR_RWSI)


Resident Works Supervisor I (3 months duration) 駐地盤一級監工 (三個月任期) (Ref No. 參考編號: RTPR_RWSI)

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Job Description

Drainage Services Department 渠務署

Revitalization of Tsui Ping River 活化翠屏河

AtkinsRealis Asia Limited invites applications for the following Resident Site Staff positions under Contract No. DC/2019/08 Revitalization of Tsui Ping River. The works comprise revitalization of approximately 1km King Yip Street nullah, including resurfacing of the channel, installation of smart water gate, provision of water-friendly features, installation of dry weather flow interceptors, provision of a smart surveillance and weather forecast system, riverside lighting and in-stream plantation. The works also include dredging at the existing channel and reconstruction/strengthening of existing nullah structures, construction of riverside walkways / cross-river walkway / landscape decks, modification of an existing footbridge across Lei Yue Mun Road, and ancillary works. The contract work was substantially completed in September 2024, and the maintenance period will end in December 2025.

阿特金斯睿萊亞洲有限公司現為工程合約編號DC/2019/08 - 活化翠屏河招聘以下駐地盤工程職位。工程項目包括活化長約一公里的敬業街明渠,當中包括重鋪河道、安裝智能水閘、提供近水設施、安裝旱季截流器、提供智能監測及天氣預報系統、沿河照明及栽種水生植物。工程項目亦包括挖深現有河道、重建或加固現有明渠結構、建造河畔或跨河的行人通道及園景平台、改建橫跨鯉魚門道的現有行人天橋以及附屬工程。工程於2024年9月已大致完成,維修保養期將在2025年12月結束。

Resident Works Supervisor I (3 months duration) 駐地盤一級監工 (三個月任期) (Ref No. 參考編號: RTPR_RWSI)

Candidates should have 申請人必須:

  • Certificate from Construction Industry Council in Hong Kong / Hong Kong Institute of Construction / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education / Technical Institute / Technical College / Polytechnic University or equivalent in an appropriate discipline; or
  • Completed a recognised technician apprenticeship in an appropriate discipline; or
  • Successfully completed a recognised craft apprenticeship with 2 years’ of experience as a skilled worker in an appropriate discipline; or
  • 5 years’ of experience as a skilled worker in an appropriate discipline; and
  • 3 years’ of relevant post qualification experience; or
  • 3 years’ of relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor II or equivalent in public works projects.
  • 持有建造業議會/香港建造學院/香港專業教育學院/工業學院/科技學院或香港理工大學頒發相關學科的證書或具備同等學歷;或
  • 完成認可相關的項目技術員學徒訓練;或
  • 成功完成認可的工藝學徒訓練,並具有兩年技術人員之相關工作經驗;或
  • 具有五年技術人員之相關工作經驗;及
  • 具有最少三年於取得以上資格後之相關工作經驗; 或
  • 最少三年在公共工程項目中擔任駐地盤二級監工或同等的相關工作經驗。

Attained a level of proficiency in Chinese and English Languages equivalent to Secondary 3 standard or above. (see Note 1)

Note 1 : “Attained” in Applied Learning subjects (subject to a maximum two Applied Learning subjects), and Grade E in Other Language subjects in the HKDSEE are accepted as equivalent to Level 2 in the New Senior Secondary subjects in the HKDSEE. Subjects include Chinese Language and English Language.


[備註一]在香港中學文憑考試中國語文科及英國語文科考獲第2級成績; 應用學習科目(以兩科為上限) 考獲「達標」成績及其他語言科目考獲E級成績,均視為相等於新高中科目第2級成績。

Applicants may also consider to refer the other requirement of the above opening(s) stipulated in Appendix 7.4 of "Management Handbook for Direct Employment of Resident Site Staff by Consultants for Public Works Projects" from the webpage of Development Bureau.

Appointment will be made on contract term in accordance with the prevailing Government’s conditions and terms applicable for Resident Site Staff. The incumbents will be required to work irregular hours, overtime and shifts (including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) and to carry out supervision duties in Mainland China or overseas if necessary.

Interested candidates please email to [our mailbox through CTgoodjobs Apply Now] (with relevant reference number) for on-line application on or before 26 February 2025.

Applications will be treated in strict confidence and collected personal data will be used for recruitment purposes only.

Applicants not being invited for interview within 6 months may consider their applications unsuccessful.


聘用條款將按獲聘時政府駐工地員工相關的條款及條件而定。如有需要,任職者可能需要不定時、超時和輪班 (包括星期六、日和公眾假期) 工作,並可能需要到中國內地或海外進行監督工作。

申請者請於2025年2月26日或之前將履歷 (連同參考編號) 電郵至[via CTgoodjobs Apply Now] 作網上申請。



All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant will be ensured with security.

More Information

SalaryN/A (Search your salary info in SalaryCheck)
Job Function
  • Kowloon > Others
Work Model
  • On-site / At the workplace
Employment Term
  • Contract
  • 2 years - 7 years
Career Level
  • Middle management level
  • F.5- F.7 or DSE