Job Highlights
- 5天工作及17天公眾假期
- 簡單日常維修工作,不需要電牌
- 監督外判承包商完成工作
工作職責 Responsibilities :
- 負責會所日常維修工作
To provide day-to-day maintenance of the club
- 負責管道及排水系統、廚房、電、冷氣系統等維修及保養工作
Provide repair and maintenance services regarding all equipment in plumbing and drainage system, kitchen, electrical, air-conditioning machine, etc
- 負責與外判承包商協調及跟進外判工程工作的進度及流程,確保符合會所標準及牌照規格
To coordinate with outside contractors and follow up the process to contract-out jobs, ensure it meets the club's standard and comply to the licenses
工作要求 Requirements :
- 對工作充滿熱誠、以客為本
Passionate, enthusiastic and customer-oriented
- 樂於參與團隊工作
Enjoy working in a team environment
- 至少2年工程經驗
At lesat 2 years related working experience
Attractive remuneration package will be offered to the right candidate including 5-day work week, discretionary performance bonus, retirement fund, all public holidays, annual leave and medical and dental benefits. Please send your CV with a covering letter to [via CTgoodjobs
Apply Now].
All applications will be handled in the strictest confidence and personal data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only. The Club will handle all personal data confidentially in accordance with the principles laid down in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
Successful applicants will be contacted within four weeks. Personal data of an unsuccessful applicant will be destroyed within twelve months.