About DFI Retail Group
DFI Retail Group (the ‘Group’) is a leading Asian retailer. As at 30 Jun 2024, the Group, its associates and joint ventures operated some 11,000 outlets and employed over 200,000 people. The Group had total annual revenue in 2023 exceeding US$26 billion.
The Group is dedicated to delivering quality, value and exceptional service to Asian consumers through a compelling retail experience, supported by an extensive store network and highly efficient supply chains.
The Group (including associates and joint ventures) operates a portfolio of well-known brands across six key divisions: food, convenience, health and beauty, home furnishings, restaurants and other retailing.
At the heart of its business, DFI Retail Group is driven by its purpose to "Sustainably Serve Asia for Generations with Everyday Moments.
The Group’s parent company, DFI Retail Group Holdings Limited, is incorporated in Bermuda and has a primary listing in the equity shares (transition) category of the London Stock Exchange, with secondary listings in Bermuda and Singapore. The Group’s businesses are managed from Hong Kong. DFI Retail Group is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group.
DFI 零售集團 (「集團」) 為亞洲著名的零售集團。截至2024年6月30日止,集團與其聯營及合營公司共經營約11,000間店舖。 集團連同聯營公司及合營公司僱用約20萬名員工。集團於2023年錄得總營業額約265億美元。
DFI 的使命是,致力可持續發展,服務亞洲每一代顧客的日常時刻。
集團之母公司DFI Retail Group Holdings Limited於百慕達註冊成立,在倫敦證劵交易所的股票(過渡)類別擁有第一上市地位, 同時亦在百慕達及新加坡作第二上市。集團的業務管理辦事處位於香港。DFI零售集團為怡和集團成員之一。