- Relevant English Language and English Literature degree, and recognized teaching qualification (PGDE) or equivalent
- Holder of Language Proficiency Requirement (LPR) Attainment
- Excellent English language proficiency
- Teaching experience with senior classes (HKDSE English Language syllabus and HKDSE Literature in English syllabus) in English medium school
- Comprehensive understanding of the use of IT in teaching and learning
- Fulfilled the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST) requirements
Commencement date for work : 1 September 2025
Closing date for application : 14 March 2025Interested candidates for the above post are invited to send an application with a cover letter and full resume by post to The Principal, St. Stephen's Girls' College, 2 Lyttelton Road, Hong Kong or by email to [our mailbox through CTgoodjobs
Apply Now] . Only candidates selected for interview will be contacted.
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