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技術主任 - 設施管理部

Job ref no.: 4686 - FMD

技術主任 - 設施管理部

The Bank of East Asia, Limited
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技術主任 - 設施管理部



•            指導和激勵下屬履行適當的職責

•            與內部客戶和外部供應商保持良好的溝通

•            支援設施管理部所有設施正常運作及維護銀行形象; 即保安、環境清潔和維護

•            督促下屬技術人員為物業管理提供全方位技術支持

•            協調專案的實施和監控,以滿足專案進度

•            協助修復故障的設備,以確保最短的覆修時間

•            處理及匯報突發事件報告

•            擔任下屬技術人員的後備職責

•            協助會議視音頻系統的運作使行政會議有效進行

•            需加班處理緊急事件或運作需要


•            學術程度達到中五或中學文憑考試等級或以上

•            至少3年商業大樓中央空調系統維修及保養相關工作經驗,且至少1年主任級別工作經驗

•            持有有效A0級以上註冊電業工程人員執照

•            持有有效建造業工人註冊證及建造業安全培訓證書(綠卡)

•            有上進心,成熟,個性開朗,能獨立工作;

•            具有良好的溝通、分析和解決問題能力的團隊合作精神

•            精通粵語,具備簡單的英語和國語知識


Please apply online via the BEA Careers website at https://careers.hkbea.com/psp/hcmprd/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_APP_SCHJOB.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=4686&PostingSeq=1 or by clicking the Apply Now button. Kindly note that if you are a new user, you have to first create your User Profile before you can apply.

Personal data provided by job applicants will be used for recruitment purposes only and will be treated in accordance with the Bank's Personal Data Policy, which is available upon request. Applicants who are not invited for interviews within six weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful and the personal data collected will be destroyed after 1 year.

More Information

Job ref no.4686 - FMD
SalaryN/A (Search your salary info in SalaryCheck)
  • 5-day week
  • Birthday leave
  • Meal allowance
  • Medical plan
  • Social / Recreation & Sports Facilities
Job Function
  • Central and Western District
  • Kwun Tong District
Work Model
  • On-site / At the workplace
Employment Term
  • Full-time
  • 3 years - 5 years
Career Level
  • Non-management level
  • F.5- F.7 or DSE

Together, we can achieve more

The Bank of East Asia, Limited ("BEA") is Hong Kong’s largest independent local bank with 48 branches, 42 SupremeGold Centres, and 3 i-Financial Centres throughout the city.

Overseas, BEA has established a presence in Southeast Asia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Worldwide, including Hong Kong and the rest of Greater China, BEA operates around 130 outlets and employs approximately 8,000 people. We invite you to become part of our team and to pursue a bright and exciting future.