九龍站上蓋住宅客戶服務主任Guest Service Officer-月薪可高達$19500,另設新人獎金$4500起
工作地點: 鄰近九龍站住宅
每日9小時早中更 (需輪更) (07:00 - 16:00 / 14:30 - 23:30) 或
固定夜更 (23:00 - 08:00)
職責: 負責高尚住宅日常管理運作,及提供優質客戶服務,例如住戶接待、訪客登記、文件工作、接聽電話及處理大廈內發生的緊急及突發事件等
To be responsible for providing smooth operations of concierge services and maximizing resident satisfaction; greeting, handling residents’ enquiries and complaints promptly; handling both internal and external phone calls in a courteous manner; performing daily administration and reports when necessary
薪 金:$18.800-$19.500 (已包含勤工獎)
辦公時間:星期一至五上午9點30分至11點 或 下午2點至4點,
申請 / 查詢 Whatsapp 90126359 林小姐 或親臨本公司招聘中心面試
地址:美孚寶輪街9號9樓C室 (美孚站A出口)
Please visit our website: www.citysecurity.com.hk
We offer competitive remuneration package with comprehensive fringe benefits to the right candidates. Interested parties, please send your full resume with present and expected salary email to [our mailbox through CTgoodjobs Apply Now] or contact our Recruitment Team 3758-8989 for more information.
(Personal data collected would be used for recruitment purpose only)
Salary | 18,800 - 19,500 / month |
Benefit |
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Employment Term |
Experience |
Career Level |
Education |
Require to Travel |
Qualifications or Licenses |
CITY Security Company Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the City Services Group, a public listed company of Hong Kong and has been established in Hong Kong since January 1997.
CITY provides various types of comprehensive and professional security services and system design / installation packages for our clients. We dedicate the greatest effort to maintain our service quality and have established ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
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