關於團隊 GreenPrice
是香港首間結合環保和實惠於一身的社創概念店。透過推廣短期或剛到「最佳食用日期」的產品,改變傳統行業生態,同時向大眾提供更多元化及環保的選擇。 作為一間初創社企,我們著重與大眾、與社區、與環境的連結。我們重視同事間的關係,除了培訓同事店舖管理及零售技巧以外,我們會定期舉辦員工聚會,讓大家能認識一群一同奮鬥、有共同目標的同伴,於 GreenPrice 一同成長。
工作地區: 流動工作地點,按工作需要跨10間店鋪工作 (中環/沙田/鰂魚涌/ 將軍澳/荃灣/元朗/黃埔/觀塘/奧運/啟德/九龍灣/灣仔/葵芳)
如有任何疑問,歡迎 WhatsApp 至 6882 0586
直接填妥報名 Google form:https://forms.gle/FexX36cM1MPzchMX7 合適者將獲邀面試。
Join Us
Get discovered. Introduce yourself, and we’ll get in touch if it's a good match. Please submit your application at Careers at GreenPrice portal.
Salary | 14,000 - 16,000 / month |
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At GreenPrice, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. High-quality but short-dated food products often go straight from the shelves to the landfills. We are on a mission to further the lifecycle of these products by redirecting them to homes at half-price or less. Our social enterprise operates 6 stores, collaborates with thousands of inspired international brands and places technology at the heart of our activities. Last year we’ve significantly boosted our online business and successfully expanded our sourcing network abroad. We’re quickly growing the team, come & meet us!