At Butterfly Hospitality Group (BHG), our mission is to continuously innovate and create hospitality products that lead in creativity and excellence. We focus on what truly matters, providing spaces that foster genuine experiences and connect our guests to the heart of each city.
We uphold three core beliefs. First, we aim to offer a world of possibilities for our guests and employees. We are committed to continuous growth, expanding our presence with multiple hotels in various locations, allowing our guests to stay with us wherever they travel. With numerous hotels across Hong Kong and London, we provide diverse work opportunities that enable our people to thrive.
Secondly, since launching Butterfly Hotels in 2008, one of Hong Kong’s first boutique hotels, we have introduced a new hotel nearly every year. In 2019, we launched Page Hotels, pioneering a boutique hotel concept that merges the hotel lobby check-in with artisanal coffee house, catering to modern travellers and an affordable luxury clientele. BHG’s commitment to innovation and creativity ensures we stay relevant in the industry.
Lastly, at BHG, serving our customers, people, and stakeholders is at the core of our business. Through the collective strengths of our integrated sales and marketing efforts, outstanding revenue management, and strategic pricing, we aim to achieve high average occupancy, impressive hotel operating profit ratios, and exceptional productivity with great cost efficiency. Our strong financial performance underlines our ability to manage hotels effectively, ensuring sustained growth and profitability.
We hope to continue inspiring our people to explore new ways of doing things and provide them with a platform to connect with guests from all over the world. We value our people. We grow with our people. Together, we grow our business.
Should you want to explore any work opportunity with our Group, talk to us via
recruit@butterflyhk.com or
recruit.page148@pagehotels.com . We offer attractive remuneration packages and excellent prospects to people who are passionate about their work and life.
www.butterflyhospitalitygroup.com for more information.