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Senior Heritage Officer

Job ref no.: 49015

Senior Heritage Officer

Apply Now

Salary: HK$74,255 per month

Entry Requirements:Applicants should
(a) have a Hong Kong degree in Architecture, Building Surveying, or equivalent;
(b) be a full Member of one of the following professional institutes, namely Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) and Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (Building Surveying Division) (HKIS), or equivalent;
(c) have at least 2 years’ post-membership full-time working experience in relevant fields, including some working experience in projects management (See Notes 1 and 2);
(d) meet the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 (See Note 3) or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent; and
(e) speak fluent Cantonese and English.

Note: (1) “Attained with Distinction” in Applied Learning subjects (subject to a maximum of two Applied Learning subjects), and Grade C in Other Language subjects in the HKDSEE are accepted as equivalent to Level 3 in the New Senior Secondary subjects in the HKDSEE. “Attained” in Applied Learning subjects (subject to a maximum of two Applied Learning subjects), and Grade E in Other Language subjects in the HKDSEE are accepted as equivalent to Level 2 in the New Senior Secondary subjects in the HKDSEE.
(2)The subjects may include Chinese Language and English Language.
(3)‘Grade C’ and ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in the HKCEE before 2007 are accepted administratively as comparable to ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 2’ respectively in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.

*For non-civil service appointment purpose, ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in previous HKCEE are accepted administratively as comparable to ‘Level 2’ in Chinese Language and English Language respectively in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.

Duties: (a) To provide architectural and technical advice and assist in the planning and implementation of various museum works projects;
(b) To perform project management, design and contract administration duties, to coordinate with various government departments / organisations for museum works projects including feasibility studies, site planning, scheme design, detailed designs, working drawings, tender documentation, project budgets and briefs;
(c) To co-ordinate works related to the planning, design and construction and post construction of museum works projects; and
(d) To perform any other duties as assigned by senior officers.

Terms of Appointment: Successful applicants will be appointed on non-civil service contract terms for a period of one year in general.

Fringe Benefits An end-of contract gratuity may be granted if the contract is satisfactorily completed with consistently high standard of performance and conduct. Such gratuity payable will be the sum which, when added to the Government’s contribution to a Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme in respect of the appointee as required by the MPF Schemes Ordinance, will equal to 15% of the total basic salary drawn during the contract period. Rest days, statutory holidays (or substituted holidays), annual leave, maternity leave / paternity leave, sickness allowance, where appropriate, will be granted in line with the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.

How to apply: (1) Application Forms [G.F. 340 (Rev.7/2023)] are obtainable from any Home Affairs Enquiry Centre of District Offices, Home Affairs Department or any Job Centres of the Employment Services Division, Labour Department. The said form can also be downloaded from the Civil Service Bureau’s website at https://www.csb.gov.hk/english/recruit/application/331.html
(Note: The new version of application form for Government jobs G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023) has been in use with effect from 26 July 2023. Applicants who apply for Government jobs advertised on or after 26 July 2023 should use the new G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023). If applicants submit the old version form (G.F. 340 (Rev. 3/2013)), they will be required to fill in the new G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023) afresh and submit it within seven days upon request. If applicants fail to submit the new G.F. 340 (Rev. 7/2023) within the stipulated deadline, their applications will not be processed further.)
(2) Completed application forms, with the detailed resume, should reach the following address on or before the closing date for application (The postmark will be referred to for the submission date of an application by mail). Please mark on the envelope “Application for the position of NCSC Senior Heritage Officer”. Applications which are not made in the prescribed application form [G.F. 340 (Rev.7/2023)], late, incomplete, or submitted by fax or e-mail will not be considered. Applicants should ensure that the correct address is clearly printed or written on the envelope and sufficient postage is affixed before posting so as to avoid delayed or unsuccessful delivery of application. Any underpaid mail items will not be delivered to the contact address and will be returned or disposed of by the Hongkong Post, where appropriate. Applicants will bear any consequences arising from paying insufficient postage. Applicants who are not invited for interview six to eight weeks after the closing date for application may assume their applications unsuccessful.

Note :
(1) Applications which did not provide all information as requested or which are not clear that the candidates have met the entry requirements will not be considered.
(2) Applicants should enclose with the detailed resume showing their relevant working experience in projects management and provide documentary proof. Candidates failed to provide documentary proof will not be considered as having the working experience indicated on the form. Applications not enclosed with the detailed resume may not be considered.
(3) For non-civil service appointment purpose, ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in previous HKCEE are accepted administratively as comparable to ‘Level 2’ in Chinese Language and English Language respectively in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.

Contact Address:Projects and Development Section, 5/F, Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters, 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin, New Territories

Enquiry Telephone:2601 7303

Closing Date(dd/mm/yyyy):27/03/2025 18:00:00

Web Site of Department:https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/clpss/en/webApp/Jobs.do

General Notes:

(a) Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of appointment unless specified otherwise.
(b) As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
(c) Non-civil service vacancies are not posts on the civil service establishment. Candidates appointed are not on civil service terms of appointment and conditions of service. Candidates appointed are not civil servants and will not be eligible for posting, promotion or transfer to any posts in the Civil Service.
(d) The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.
(e) Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
(f) It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to any further shortlisting criteria. Applicants who have declared disabilities found suitable for appointment may be given an appropriate degree of preference over other applicants whose suitability for appointment is considered comparable to that of the former. The Government policy and other related measures on employment of persons with disabilities are set out in the booklet “Employ People Based on Their Abilities – Application for Government Jobs by Persons with Disabilities” which is available for reference on the Civil Service Bureau's website at https://www.csb.gov.hk under “Administration of the Civil Service – Appointments”.
(g) Holders of academic qualifications other than those obtained from Hong Kong institutions/Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority may also apply but their qualifications will be subject to assessments on equivalence with the required entry qualifications. They should submit copies of their official transcripts and certificates by mail to the below contact address.

More Information

Job ref no.49015
SalaryN/A (Search your salary info in SalaryCheck)
  • Gratuity
Job Function
Work Model
  • On-site / At the workplace
Employment Term
  • Full-time
  • Contract
  • 2 years - 7 years
Career Level
  • Non-management level
  • Degree

Projects and Development Section