Client Relationship Leaders (CRLs) nurture and cultivate long term client relationships with strategic accounts, building on their deep understanding of the market and strong internal networks to support clients holistically across their end-to-end experiences. CRLs serve as the main driver and point of contact to deliver AXA XL’s value proposition, making AXA XL seem big and feel small to the client and the account team. Strong business, technical, and people acumen are essential for success in this key role.
DISCOVER your opportunity
Whatwillyouressentialresponsibilities include?
Know Your Client Holistically
- Understand client’s business, strategic priorities, industry trends and risks they face.
- Develop proactive client insights and themes to take to clients.
- Understand the underwriting appetite and how it could support client needs.
- Assess and manage business growth and development opportunities.
- Set and track growth and profitability targets at the account level.
- Design strategy and action plan to achieve business goals and drive account plan execution.
- Coordinate account team effectively to ensure high productivity and lead effective meetings.
Deliver What We Promise
- Identify client service needs and customize service arrangements that manage client needs vs. AXA XL cost to serve.
- Identify and navigate appropriate resources and teams within AXA XL and across regions on behalf of clients.
- Remove roadblocks for account team and clients.
- Set resolution plan to address “at risk” client issues and escalate as required.
- Partner with the brokers to address service-related topics.
Bring Relevant Products & Solutions To Clients
- Proactively identify growth opportunities.
- Support the cross-sell process to increase product density.
- Engage clients in risk dialogues to identify their needs and translate them into the right product and service propositions.
- Craft proposals, network internally, and collaborate with account teams to shape pitches.
- Co-innovate with clients, brokers, and account teams to bring unique services beyond the policy to clients.
- Influence deal terms to balance profitability with client needs and position AXA XL to win Lines of Business (LoBs).
- Deepen broker relationships to understand where business is placed.
Foster Long Term Relationships
- Manage client relationships and map and manage engagement with key stakeholders
- Lead AXA XL client account teams (no formal reporting line), establish deep relationships with key functions at AXA XL to meet client expectations
- Gather and act on client feedback and pursue continuous learning opportunities.
- Conduct stewardship meetings.
- Establish internal relationships with key stakeholders for the benefit of the client
SHAREyour talent
We’relookingforsomeonewhohasthe Followingabilitiesand Skills
- Commercial Acumen / Relationship Building: Engages with c-suite executives and brokers, manages stakeholders and conflict, and negotiates for client interests.
- Business & Insurance Acumen: Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge, and expertise in the core principles, practices, and dynamics of the insurance industry within the broader context of business.
- Marketing & Communication: Understands the audience and tailors positioning of communication based on analysis of audience.
- Financial Acumen: Understands and applies insurance financial principles, assessing impacts on bottom-line and P&L.
- Data-Driven Decision Making / Strategic Solutioning: Simplifies complex issues, creates solutions, and uses data to support decision-making.
- Customer Centricity: Places customers first; understands and addresses customer needs, while also considering the interests of other stakeholders; ensures customer needs are met to drive business success.
- Leadership People Skills: Empowers others, influences change, inspires with vision, and leads teams to ambitious, collaborative goals.
- Cross-Functional Collaboration: Leads teams; fosters teamwork; creates opportunities. Build trusted relationships with internal team members.
- Emotional Intelligence /Cultural Awareness: Reads the room and adjusts approach based on people dynamics and cultural differences.
- Business Planning: Set targets, objectives, action plans and manages / monitors action items.
- Industry and Market Knowledge: Understands the inner workings of their client’s businesses and the industries they operate in.
- Technical Product Expertise: Knowledge of global insurance functions and growth trends, using technical expertise to advocate for client needs in solution design.
FIND your future
AXA XL, the P&C and specialty risk division of AXA, is known for solving complex risks. For mid-sized companies, multinationals and even some inspirational individuals we don’t just provide re/insurance, we reinvent it.
How? By combining a comprehensive and efficient capital platform, data-driven insights, leading technology, and the best talent in an agile and inclusive workspace, empowered to deliver top client service across all our lines of business − property, casualty, professional, financial lines and specialty.
With an innovative and flexible approach to risk solutions, we partner with those who move the world forward.
Learn more at
Inclusion& Diversity
AXA XL is committed to equal employment opportunity and will consider applicants regardless of gender, sexualorientation,age,ethnicityandorigins,maritalstatus,religion,disability,oranyotherprotected characteristic.
AtAXAXL,weknowthataninclusivecultureandadiverseworkforceenablebusinessgrowthandare critical to our success. That’s why we have made a strategic commitment to attract, develop, advance and retain the most diverse workforce possible, and create an inclusive culture where everyone can bring their full selves to work and can reach their highest potential.
It’s about helping one another — and our business — tomoveforwardand succeed.
- Five Business Resource Groups focused on gender, LGBTQ+, ethnicity and origins, disability and inclusion with 20 Chapters around the globe
- RobustsupportforFlexibleWorking Arrangements
- Enhancedfamilyfriendlyleave benefits
- NamedtotheDiversityBestPractices Index
- SignatorytotheUKWomeninFinance Charter
Learnmoreat . AXAXLisanEqualOpportunity Employer.
At AXA XL, Sustainability is integral to our business strategy. In an ever-changing world, AXA XL protects what matters most for our clients and communities. We know that sustainability is at the root of a more resilientfuture.Our2023-26Sustainabilitystrategy,called“Rootsofresilience”,focusesonprotecting naturalecosystems,addressingclimate change,andembeddingsustainable practices across our operations.
Our Pillars
- Valuing nature: How we impact nature affects how nature impacts us. Resilient ecosystems - the foundationofasustainableplanetandsociety–areessentialtoourfuture.We’recommittedto protecting and restoring nature – from mangrove forests to the bees in our backyard – by increasing biodiversity awareness and inspiring clients and colleagues to put nature at the heart of their plans.
- Addressing climate change: The effects of a changing climate are far reachingand significant. Unpredictableweather,increasingtemperatures,andrisingsealevelscausebothsocial inequalitiesandenvironmentaldisruption.We'rebuildinganetzerostrategy,developing insurance products and services, and mobilizing to advance thought leadership and investment in societal-ledsolutions.
- IntegratingESG: Allcompanies have aroleto playinbuildingamoreresilientfuture. Incorporating ESG considerations into our internal processes and practices builds resilience from therootsofourbusiness.We’retrainingourcolleagues,engagingourexternalpartners,and evolving our sustainability governance and reporting.
- AXA Hearts in Action : We have established volunteering and charitable giving programs to help colleaguessupportcausesthatmattermosttothem,knownasAXAXL’s“HeartsinAction” programs.TheseincludeourMatchingGiftsprogram,VolunteeringLeave,andourannual volunteering day – the Global Day of Giving.
Flexible Work Eligible
AXA XL is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
HK-HK-Hong Kong
Job Field
Client, Marketing & Communications
Job Type
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