現為 “第一批 「簡約公屋」的設計和建設項目工程項目管理顧問 (合約編號: 9A M101)”招聘以下駐地盤員工。駐地盤員工實際之工作地點將為啟德世運道。
We are looking for the following experienced site staff who is capable of carrying out supervision and co-ordination work for the "Consultancy Agreement No. 9A M101 for Project Management Consultancy Services for Light Public Housing Projects - Batch 1 (Programme NO. 002HL)” for the design and construction of Light Public Housing located at Kai Tak Olympic Avenue:-
Resident Assistant Building Services Inspector (Ref_23071ABSI_4)
The minimum qualifications required for the post of Resident Assistant Building Services Inspector shall be as follows:
Employment will be on a contract basis for a period of 15 months commencing immediately tentatively with possible extension subject to works condition. The remuneration package will be commensurate with the candidate’s qualification and experience.
申請人可按「申請」於網上遞交申請,並提供詳細學歷資料、工作經驗、要求薪金、可到職日期及聯絡電話號碼的完整履歷,或將申請郵寄至香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈33樓呂元祥建築師事務所人力資源部收。Interested parties please send full resume giving details of qualifications and experience, expected salary, date available and contact number by clicking Apply Now to submit online or send to Human Resources Department, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., 33/F Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Information provided will be used for the purpose of employment application only.
Closing date for application: 6 April 2025
We are an equal opportunity employer. Information provided will be used for the purpose of employment application only. All personal data of unsuccessful candidates will not be retained for more than 12 months upon completion of the relevant recruitment exercises.
Job ref no. | Ref_23071ABSI_4 |
Salary | N/A (Search your salary info in ![]() |
Benefit |
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Work Model |
Industry | |
Experience |
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Education |
Ronald Lu & Partners (RLP Asia) is an award-winning architecture practice focused on life-centric, future-ready design. Founded in 1976, RLP Asia is known throughout Asia as being a trailblazer in sustainable architecture. For more than 48 years, our deep roots in China and our international perspective have allowed us to build a global portfolio spanning green architecture, master planning, transit-oriented development, and interior design. Working in partnership with many of the world's leading developers, government bodies and institutions, we bring the values of our clients to life in high-density urban environments to "Design Better Life" for the people and communities that use these spaces.
呂元祥建築師事務所 (RLP Asia) 專注於以生命為本、面向未來的設計,屢獲國際殊榮。 公司於 1976 年成立,為可持續建築的先驅,名聞全球。RLP Asia 擁有超過 48 年的行業經驗,其代表性作品遍及全球各地,類型包括綠色建築、總體規劃、公共交通導向開發 TOD 和室內設計。憑藉在中國的深厚根基及廣闊的國際視野, RLP Asia與許多世界領先的開發商、政府機關和機構合作,在高密度的城市環境中將客戶的價值觀融入生活,並為使用這些空間的人們和社區 “設計更美好生活”。