Proactive, Dedicated and Innovative
Founded in 1908, Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. (Stock codes: A shares 601328, H shares 03328) is one of the oldest banks in China as well as one of the note-issuing banks in modern China. The Bank was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in June 2005 and on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in May 2007. The Bank currently has 202 domestic branches, comprising 30 provincial branches, 7 branches directly managed by the Head Office and 165 managed by provinces. It has also established 2,690 banking outlets in 215 cities and 159 counties nationwide. In addition, the Bank has set up 13 overseas institutions, comprising branches in Hong Kong, New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Frankfurt, Sydney, Macau, Ho Chi Minh City, Taipei, Bank of Communications (UK) Co., Ltd. and representative office in Toronto. The Bank’s development strategy is to become “a first class listed universal banking group focusing on international expansion and specializing in wealth management”.